THINK ON . . .

Scripture Reading - Philippians 4:8

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just (right), whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue (excellence), and if there be any praise, think on these things. KJV

In this scripture we are instructed on what to “think upon”. When counting the various categories of what to “think on” this verse shows us eight different topics. Of course these eight topics are not the only ones we can “think on” but they are the most profitable things to “think on” according to God’s Holy Word. The devil and ungodly people would have you “think on” the negative things and troubling reports to keep you worried and depressed. This is contrary to God’s Word so we must guard our thoughts against such ungodly practices. The Mind of Christ is comprised of all good things including these eight groups of thoughts. This verse gives us some insight into His Awesome Mind that He put inside of us because according to Hebrews 8:10 the Lord promised to write His Laws in our heart. Yes, the Mind of Christ has wisdom and understanding and knowledge but it is not by accident. The Lord Jesus Christ has such a sharp and vibrant mind because His thinking is always holy and bright. No one just thinks of brilliant creative ideals by accident nor can you imagine great things outside of God. Therefore the believer must focus on these eight groups to fruitfully grow-up in Christ Jesus. Yes, dear faithful believer, we must purpose to “think on” truth, honesty, righteousness, pureness of heart, loving all with the love of God, proclaiming the good report of God’s Word, concentrating on developing and releasing God’s virtues to heal hurting people and we should be a thankful people completely given to the praises of God. There are three beings that perfectly satisfy all these criteria and you know them very well as our Heavenly Father, His Holy Son Jesus Christ and the precious Holy Spirit, known as the Comforter. We can sum up all eight characteristics by mentally and spiritually developing the Love of The Father, the Reality of God’s Word, in the Comfort of the Holy Spirit. The Love of the Father is always the proper foundation (motive) for doing all things lovely and the reason we praise. The reality of God’s Word is truth, pureness and the only good report. The Comfort of the Holy Spirit is our righteousness in Christ which gives us excellence (virtue) and an honest heart of holy conviction. So when you examine your thought life be sure to “think on” these eight principles of God’s Word to reveal His image and likeness to all mankind (including yourself). Amen!